If you do not live your dream, probably you'll be dead in life. Because everybody has the right to have dreams and fight for them, and of course, everybody has the right of seeing their dreams to come truth.
In addition, Science can have many utilities and probably people who study science will be have a better job and better income in the future but, literature allows us to think and to feel. “We don’t write poetry because it’s cute, we read and write poetry because we are members of the human race; and the human race is full of passion. And medicine, law, business, engineering: these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love: these are what we stay alive for.” It's like a metaphore of what the life should be for us. Literature allows us to live other lives and dreams do it too. So literature, is a dream as well as a dream can be literature.
The literary component in this movie is obvious and wonderful. However, not only literature but also philosophy and values make the dialogues richer, since the defenses made in this film as well as the way in which they are made compose a really impressive script which keeps the attention of the viewer during the entire movie. The latin idiom "Carpe Diem" constitutes a fundamental part of the movie, the philosophy that all the students follow, trying to live their lives and to become what they really want. Nevertheless, not all of them can achieve it and not all of them can overcome the difficulties life prepares for them. That's why this film is a really emotive one, which takes advantage of the fact that the characters are teenagers in order to move, even more, the spectator.
Neil Perry (Robert Sean Leonard) will be the most moving character since his story makes the viewer to feel identified with him and to suffer at the same time he does. This is a good key the director probably used in order to shock the audience, since the effect that children or teenagers can have over the audience is not the same as those of an adult. Besides, the person of Neil itself and his dramatical end, transmits to spectator how unfair the life can be. Even though he is one of the
best students and one of the most concerned with his must, he is not allowed to be
happy. The end of this character, one of the two most moving moments of the movie, is not going to be discovered here. The way to know it is seeing this great touching movie :)
Here I leave for you the moment I like the most from this movie. And the most moving as well!