When you feel that you are part of something, part of somebody; that is because somebody is also feeling that he/she is part of you. FRIENDS is not a word you can use to refer to everybody you know in the world. It is bigger, stronger, better. You can only use friends when you really have that feeling, that sensation that you are part of something that both, your friend and you, have created. It does not matter what's the point that links you. The important thing is that there is something that makes you feel what you feel, figth, trust and carry on come what may.
Fear, fear to be afraid of never being afraid. Fear to not see anything, or fear to see everything. Fear to feel and to know, the fragance of the omission. Fear to realize than the life itself, is fear.
Jun 20, 2012
Jun 9, 2012
Our weaknesses can make us stronger, but our greed can have the opposite consequence. We can be hard people with many aspirations and possibilities in life, but if try to have everything and if we think everybody is going to achieve for us those things we desire, we are terribly wrong. Nobody will do nothing for us and that is something we should learn since we were born.
For those children whose parents spoil and give whatever they ask for, life is not going to be easier but the opposite. It is better to learn how to survive by oneself before it is too late for us.
For those children whose parents spoil and give whatever they ask for, life is not going to be easier but the opposite. It is better to learn how to survive by oneself before it is too late for us.
Jun 5, 2012
CHAPLIN (Richard Attenborough, 1992)
Charles Chaplin was a very famous British actor and director during the Silent period cinema, who was determined to continue doing silent movies even when the talkies had started to be important. This movie, in a way, has made me remember this man's career not only because it is a biography of Chaplin but also because of the introduction of some of the movies he made, which were of course silent - most of them- , which gives a really interesting contrast to the film. On the one hand, the film itself is a modern film more or less contemporary which was made according to the style of modern cinema. However, as I have already said, some clips of Charles Chaplin's movies are included so there is a melting between both styles of performance. This enriches the movie and allows the spectator to do a kind of comparison between the two ways of acting.
As the movie is a documentary, it has not provoked too many feelings as other films may have done, but it is very interesting regarding the comparison and contrast that I mentioned above. Also, it gives some details about the life of Chaplin and what I would like to remark concerning this, is how he fought to do silent movies, how he fought for what he believed although the rest of people were against. I think, and probably all of you too, that this is admirable because he did exactly what he wanted, although that decreased his income and his popularity.
Jun 4, 2012
DOG DAY AFTERNOON (Sidney Lumet, 1975)
I suppose that everybody has a reason for doing what he/she does. Some people have honest reasons and purposes. Others just go for hurting other people. But at the end, everybody has his/her personal reasons for carrying out his/her actions. Besides, appearances can be deceptive and what people do is not always a sign that they are bad persons or good. Because, as I have already said, at the end everything happens according to some reasons, and not all these reasons are necessarily bad.
Jun 2, 2012
SHUTTER ISLAND (Martin Scorsese, 2010)
"This place makes me wonder: which would be worse, to live as a monster or die as a good man?" I do not think I can find the right words to describe this movie. So, I will only ask you a couple of questions which can sum up in a few words what this film more or less wants the spectator wonder. What would you do if you discover that you've lived only lies and that you are exactly the kind of person you would never want to be? What if you discover that being mad is better than being aware of your reality?
Jun 1, 2012
BREAKFAST AT TIFFANY'S (Blake Edwards, 1961)
How can a person be so worried about what she/he has (materialistic things) instead of what he/she thinks, feels, wants to feel, loves? I do not know. I do not understant. A life based on luxury and caprices is not a good life because, at the end, the person who depends on these things is not really happy. Why are there people who flee from their lives, from their sentiments, from their reality? Why are there people who prefer not to accept that they are in love and thus to be unhappy the rest of their lives?
Those people who pretend to be what they actually aren't end up living a life which is not theirs, as Holly (Audrey Heburn)does. She goes for a life who does not belong to her, she pretends to be a free woman whose feelings do not betray her but at the end, all of this makes no sense because she realizes that she cannot deny that she is love with Paul (George Peppard) and that it is him what she wants in her life, even more than all the diamonds of Tiffany's.
The comparison that is made between Holly and her cat (called cat) has made me rememeber the movie Cat on a Hot tin Roof, which in fact has some similarities with this movie, not totally but at least partially. I think the protagonists of both films share some of their most important characteristics such as their great strenght to survive - accompanied or alone - as well as their own soul, which in both Holly and Maggie is assimilated with the figure of a cat.
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