Mar 21, 2012

MUST LOVE DOGS (Gary David Goldberg, 2005)

The end of a relationship does not mean the end of your love life or your love stories. Your life does not end when a man or a woman decides not to love you any more even though the heart does not say the same immediately after the breaking-off. Nevertheless, the end of a relationship probably would mean the beginning of a new life and new love stories and, maybe, you will find the love of your life. That is why, when we talk about love, we must not desist. The man or woman who is going to make us happy is maybe waiting for us, and we may do not know it.

An important fact I cannot forget to mention: John Cusack!
I know I've discovered this actor this year, but I am in love with him. Hence, I must say that there is and excellent performance which produces motivation for the spectator who feels involve with the characters, and especially with him.

Anyway, Must Love Dogs is a love comedy I have enjoyed so much and that I strongly recommend you, not as a must but as a relax.

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